Monday 18 June 2012

Getting back to it!

Okay so its been a while, but I thought it was about time to start writing my blog again. There are many reasons why, but none more than I enjoyed writing it and have missed it.

I plan to make it a weekly blog with the aim of posting something every Sunday, which will include my weekly training and latest thoughts etc. I'll try incredibly hard not to bore you all and make it interesting for non-runners too, but no promises!

My main aim over the next 16 weeks, and what this blog will focus on, is to get in the best shape possible for the Loch Ness Marathon on 30 September. I ran the London Marathon in April in 2.37.30 and immediately set my mind on doing an autumn marathon. Loch Ness is a marathon I have never done before and the course profile looks pretty good for a Scottish marathon - so definitely PB potential.

I am also trying out a brand new training programme, which has been designed by my coach, Garry. It's not radically different from programmes I have followed in the past and incorporates elements of a number of proven programmes by Daniels and Lydiard, however, many of the sessions are different to what I have tried before and the level of intensity and mileage is slightly higher than I have done previously, so hopefully will lead to me becoming a stronger and faster runner. My plan is to follow-up with another London next year, so Garry sees this (if all goes well) as a stepping stone towards that too.

Beer O'clock on the boat!
Photo taken by Woozle

So, I am getting back to it. Not just blogging, but also training. I have just returned from two weeks sailing in Greece, where I did less and less running as the holiday went on. This was no bad thing, as before I went away I was suffering with a virus and really needed a good rest.

In fact so relaxed was I on holiday I added a cool 4.5kg to my girth! I weighed about 78.0kg when I ran London, I put on a bit after and went on holiday at close to 79kg. At the start of this week, when I could actually brave the scales, I hit 83.5kg!! Well I guess an ice cream a day policy will eventually start to show. And Beer O'clock got earlier and earlier - 11.30am on the last day!

Returning to a heavy week's training was always going to be very, very difficult - and indeed it proved to be. I have highlighted details of my week's training at the end of the blog for you to see, but 60 miles in 5 days is a lot (well for me it is)!

For most of this week every stride has been pretty tiring, stiff and sore on the legs, not to mention burning in the lungs. It was almost as if I was starting from scratch. I also jumped in at the deep end running twice a day on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. I figured there were no short cuts this week and I just had to get out there and get running.

Amazingly I managed to complete a whole track session on Tuesday in a reasonable pace. The session was a mile rep as fast  as we could followed by 12*400m. It can be a bit demoralising to see your team mates, who you were running beside or just in front of in the week's before your holiday, disappear in front of you and so I had prepared myself mentally to deal with this on Tuesday, but in the end I actually found it quite motivating. With each rep of the track I focused on the guys (and girl) in front and just kept telling myself that hard work will get me back there in no time. What was really encouraging was that during the 400m reps I started off close to 8-9 seconds behind them on each rep, but by the last 3 or 4 reps I had closed the gap to 6 seconds. The only down side was my right foot felt a bit bruised afterwards. The track at Saughton is a hard one and pretty unforgiving and after 4 weeks away my foot certainly noticed it.

Everyone on track on Tuesday was putting in an awesome effort and everyone was running really well. I am not surprised though, they always do.

I was meant to do a session on Thursday, but as I set out for my run I was totally and utterly exhausted, and my legs felt tight and sore, so I decided to ditch the session and run an easy 10 miles along the waterfront at Granton. It was definitely the right decision, as I was completely shattered after that and was in my bed before 10pm. I've got a big session, as part of my long run on Sunday and I want to be fresh and faster for that, so an easy few days will help. It will hopefully give my foot a chance to heal too, as it is still a tiny bit sore.

Getting back into training has been tough. Getting back into a training routine after a break is always difficult and there is even the slight chance that the motivation and desire to do it isn't there. I was slightly worried about that, but as soon as my legs started to burn with lactic acid one mile into my first run on Monday morning I knew the desire for a 2.35 marathon is definitely there!!

Training: 9-15th June 2012

Saturday 9th - Hols

Sunday 10th - Hols

Monday 11th - 5miles AM; 9miles PM - legs felt pretty tired and heavy, but slightly better than expected. 14miles

Tuesday 12th - 5miles AM; Track PM; plus run home- 1m - 5.28 12*400m 72-75 (started off at 74/75 over the first 6 and picked up to 72/73 by the last 6 reps). Really pleased with the session. Right foot felt a bit bruised after the track - it has been a while. 15 miles

Wednesday 13th - 5miles AM; 10miles PM- very easy. 15 miles

Thursday 14th - Didn't do the session planned. Started running and felt exhausted, stiff and sore, so decided to do 10 easy miles. Was completely shattered at the end of it. Good decision not to do the session. Hopefully will recover for Sunday. 10 miles

Intended session: 2mile E, 4mile M 4minE, 3mile M 3minE, 2milesM 2minE, 1mile T, 2mile E

Friday 15th - 6 easy miles - felt so much better today, a lot fresher, still stiff and tired legs, but much better than yesterday. Foot still a little bit sore. 6 miles

Total 60miles


  1. Hi Richard, Good to see you blogging again. I followed your blog when you were training for the MDS and was impressed with your debut ultra win....I am running (ha...walking!) the MDS in 2013. I have run a couple of ultras (Highland Fling in 2011 and 2012)....really looking forward to it. Will probably look to do some more of the Scottish Ultra Marathon series of events in the not fancied any of these (Cateran, Glasgow to Edinburgh, WHW etc)...I would imagine you would do pretty good ! :-)
    Must start updating my blog too....1 post in 2 years...will start blogging my training/experiences towards the MDS.

    1. Hey Colin

      Thanks. Good luck with the MDS, would be good to read your blog on how your prepare for and then race it. I still plan to do the MDS one day. Same with other ultras too, especially the Scottish ones. However, I have decided to leave it a few years and concentrate on running the marathon as fast as I can. I am sure this will only help me when I do get round to ultras again. I did really enjoy my ultra race and the training for MDS.
      Good luck with your training.

    2. Was just checking the Loch Ness Marathon results and noticed your name in at 7th...great running in a fantastic time too. Are you happy with that or were you looking for a 2.35?

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