Mileage AM: 16 (1.45.53 last 8 miles in 50 minutes)
Total Weekly Mileage: 92
Today was my first run at Craiglockhart for a while, so it was good to be back. My club, Edinburgh AC, organise a weekly Sunday long run from Craiglockhart Tennis Centre and depending on what you want to do there are 10, 12, 14 and 16 mile routes to choose from. There is even a 26.2 mile route, which has been completed on the odd occasion.

The heavy rainfall was a little off putting today, but once we got started and wet it didn't really matter anymore. There was little wind in the air, so running conditions, aside from the rain and the mud, were pretty good. I ran with Garry R and Steve M for the first 3 miles and after a steady pace of around 7 minutes per mile (21.25) decided to kick on. My right hamstring was still tight, and my lower back pinched a little bit, but nothing that worried me. Thankfully, my left ilioposas was pain free for the first time in the last four days so I was pleased about that. I rattled through the next 3 miles in roughly 20 minutes, but then as always had to take to the hills on the road at Balerno, which slowed me down considerably. I got through the first 8 miles in just under 56 minutes, which was pleasing. I then, as planned, pushed harder and managed to run the next 8 miles between 6.05-6.25 minutes per mile, finishing the last 8 miles in 50 minutes (6.15min/per/mile pace). Job done. Felt strong and fast, and finished fresh. I could have done a few more miles, but no need to, so didn’t.
One of the good things about post Sunday runs is the coffee, biscuits and cakes laid on by Garry, whose house is just around the corner from the tennis centre. We have often suggested to Garry that his home be turned into our club house, but he has yet to install the Jacuzzi and sauna that we have requested and I can only assume that the 60 inch HD TV is still on order! Today was a rather lively coffee break, as we were treated to our very own private nature show. Firstly a wasp in Garry's conservatory flew into a spider's web, the spider dashed out to grab his prey, but was promptly stung by the wasp who scrambled free of the web to be joined by a second wasp which had appeared from somewhere else in the conservatory. Unhappy with the amount of insects with stingers in the room Garry chased them out the door with newspapers and bug spray. Just as that drama calmed down a fox dashed across the Garden. I was half expecting David Attenborough’s voice to ring out and explain what was going on. With Jo very scared of the bigh spider and Garry and I slightly worried about what might happen next we moved to the comfort and safety of the living room where we watched the rest of the London Marathon.
Very enjoyable Sunday run not to mention the coffee, biscuits and cake!
Mate, why not put a map from google Earth on that the Garmin thing makes?