Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Wednesday 2 June 2010: Run, Gym, Swim, my car's MOT and Service, and a Pizza Hut!!

Mileage: 14 miles

AM: 3.5 miles PM: 10.5 miles

Today started with a drive not a run, as the car was due in for a service and MOT. The garage was just off Leith Walk so I got into my kit, dropped the car off and then ran to work. It was nice and sunny this morning and I really didn't want to stop. I could have quite happily carried on running all morning.

As soon as I did stop running I started worrying about the car. With my holiday coming up this weekend, I was really worried that the car would have some serious problems with it and it would cost me a small fortune. I am sure everyone with a car has had a morning like I have, you drop the car off and then spend the next few hours waiting nervously for the call from the garage. I got the call about 11.30am from Garry, the mechanic, where he uttered the words I had been dreading, "Mr. Meade, your car has failed its MOT."

My heart sank and I immediately started to panic. "What! How? What's wrong with it?" I stammered down the line. He replied, "Your headlights aren't aligned properly, and there's a problem with your front suspension." I panicked even more as it sounded serious, well not the headlights, but the suspension did. I think I whispered the next question, as if that would somehow make the answer better, "How much?" Thankfully the reply was £30! Panic over. I then went from panic to manic, "Really, are you sure. £30, that's it? What's the rest of the cost going to be, how much more? Will it pass then? What happens next, what happens now? Can I still pick it up today? I think I left my house keys on the car keys!" Okay, maybe not quite as bad as that, but not far off. The mechanic told me my total cost would be £144 and it would pass the MOT with a new part. Phew, I was so relieved. Not only was it less than I thought, but it was actually £50 cheaper than last year and last year the car needed no repairs! How that works I have no idea. I am, however, very relieved!

So I had to leave work early and run back to pick up the car. I quickly paid and drove away hoping the guy wouldn't call me back saying there was a mistake and I owed him an extra £200.

I got home parked the car giving it a little stroke on the bonnet to thank it for being so well behaved and cheap! I then did an hour's work at my computer before the door buzzer went. I was meeting Dan for a run, gym and swim session. We did 6 miles (I had already done 7 miles by now) running around the cycle networks of Warriston. It was quite tough for me today I was feeling a little sore after yesterday's session and again I was feeling tired. I'm definitely needing a rest, but that can wait till Saturday! After our run we hit the gym and then did several lengths in the swimming pool to finish off. It was a good workout and I felt better for it.

I may, however, have undone all the good work, as I got home and ordered a large Italian, pepperoni pizza from Pizza Hut with some chicken dippers and ate the whole lot, every slice! God knows what the calories are for that or the amount of fat and salt I've just eaten. Oh dear. Still, was quite tasty.

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