Mileage: 8 miles
RACE: Kinross 10km, Position:2nd, Time 34.58 (New PB)
Miles Splits: 1)5.16 2) 5.38 3)5.42 4)5.41 5)5.42 6)5.38 0.25)1.21
Last night I finished the Kinross 10km in 2nd place in a new PB of 34.58 (previous PB was 35.15). The race was a really nice, well organised event, on a warm (albeit breezy) spring evening. I went to the event with team mates Garry and Dan, as we thought there might be an opportunity to run away (excuse the pun) with the team prize. The race was held within the grounds of Kinross House, which was beautiful and with a couple of deer dashing across the starting straight we certainly knew we were out of the city.
I'd been feeling fairly sore and stiff for at least a couple of days prior to the race, in fact since the Chris Hoy Half on 18th April, so was not feeling super confident. Although I had only done 2 or the 3 sets at Tuesday's track session my hamstrings were still very tight. I should have taken those sets easier. One day I will learn! I was also feeling a little empty in my mind too. Having run so well lately I am now convinced that I am due a bad race and in the run up to yesterday was convinced it was going to be the 10k. Add to that the pressure I had put on myself to get 3 Pb's over 3 distances in 11 days and I was struggling to get my head right. Thankfully, as the start time drew nearer, the warm-up I did with Dan and Garry helped loosen my legs and the constant chattering to myself, as well as some words of support from my club mates either in person or by text, helped me get my head into racing mode.
The start was a quick dash down a long straight towards Kinross House, which led on to a path right up to the house and round a cricket pitch a quick dash back to the start, around a very tight cone to come back down the start straight. I was already in second place. I ran a very quick first mile. Too quick. 5mins 16 secs! A glance behind me and I knew I wasn't the only one as i could hear the heavy panting of the runners behind me. Back down the path we veered left away from Kinross house and through the grounds and the golf course. A feature of this race is the several paths that you run up and back down turning very sharply at a cone before doing so. These cones were quite tricky to negotiate at speed forcing everyone to slow down to get round safely. I tested the limit at the second cone trying to sprint round it and I slipped on the gravel falling onto my front. Thankfully I managed to put out my left hand to stop me face planting, but I did bang my hip and felt a twinge in my ITB. Determined not to lose ground I got up as quick as I could and tried to get back up to speed. I took every cone after that with extra caution almost walking round some of them. They definitely cost me time and rhythm. The course streaked in and out of the grounds and back to Kinross house making a very ragged loop of about 5km. We then repeated the loop.
This was another lonely race for me, as the leader streaked off into the distance early on and after the first km I was already well clear of the chasing pack. After the ridiculously quick first mile, the rest of the race became very much about holding form and pace, which is difficult to do when on your own. I was fairly pleased that my last 5 miles were all between 5.38-42 mins per mile. Nice and consistent, especially as I found every mile harder and harder. By the time we reached the 9km marker I knew second place was mine and I concentrated on making sure I got a sub 35min time. I was well on course to do this requiring a 3.30min final km, however, I didn't bank on the course being long (0.05 miles over 10K!!), so despite speeding up I was really up against it to cross the line, but a final flurry and sprint and I just managed to dip under the time.
I didn't have long to wait until Dan was blasting his way up the hill. The clock was ticking agonisingly close to the 36minute mark. I am sure Dan saw because he put in a quality sprint finish with just enough to pass over the line in 35.59 smashing his PB and finishing 5th too. I was really pleased for Dan, he's been running really well lately and to get that time in the middle of marathon training was some effort. Unfortunately Garry didn't fair so well. He started off strong, but by half way had begun to suffer really bad cramp, mainly as a result of having a deep tissue massage the day before and some hard running in recent weeks. Having to stop and stretch several times in the second half of the race meant that he slipped far enough down the field to end our chance of getting the team prize, but never mind. The main thing was Garry was fine at the end, if a little stiff!
I have to admit that I was a little disappointed in my time. I know that sounds daft, as why would any one be disappointed with a PB. Six months ago if someone had offered me a second place finish and a 34.58 time at the Kinross 10km I would have bitten their hand and most of their arm off. However, I can't help the way that I feel and I think part of this is down to the high expectations and ambitions I have set myself. I want to run fast, I want to win. What, I hear you ask, is a time I would have been happy with? I don't know is the honest answer, as I never seem to be truly happy with any time these days! I guess that's part of the nature of the sport that we do and the competitive mindset that I have. Part of me says 34.30 would have made me happy, so I am pleased that I was not miles away from that.

The day was finished off in The Cumberland Bar with a pint of Black Isle Blonde. Love that beer!
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