Monday 9 August 2010

Monday 9 August 2010: Recovering from Sunday

Mileage: 12 miles

AM: 3.75 miles; PM: 8.25 miles

I am shattered today! Yesterday clearly took quite a lot out of me. I felt okay on my run to work this morning, however, the strange niggling feeling in my right knee was still there. It doesn't hurt, it's just there. Very strange, hopefully it's something and nothing. I'll have to keep an eye on it.

My legs stiffened up during the day and felt pretty heavy by the time I came to run home. I set off and headed towards the Glenogle Swimming baths as I was meant to meet Dan there. Unfortunately I was held up at work and was running (excuse the pun) late. I did feel a little stiff running, but generally my legs felt okay, no sore bits or tight bits, which was good considering what I put them through yesterday. The niggley knee appeared towards the end of my run, but again it didn't hurt it was just there. I am not sure what it is and I am beginning to wonder how much of it is in my head. The fact that I think about it when I run means I am about to notice anything odd there. Again I'll just monitor it and hope it eases off. My pace was okay averaging out at below seven and a half minute mile pace, which was fast enough to stretch out, but slow enough to help the body recovery.

I arrived at swim centre and I guess I must have missed Dan as he wasn't there. I set about doing my usual core work out of a series of press-ups and planks and it was half-way through this session I realised I was physically still very tired from yesterday and so called it a day and headed home.

I've been pretty tired all night and have been lying about on the sofa watching TV and trying to stay awake. Gail very kindly took care of my feet cutting my nails, taking off the dead skin and smoothing them off. Not the best job in the world, of that I am sure. It was really nice of her to do it and my feet feel a lot better now!! Thanks Gail.

Yesterday I promised the interview with Mike Wardian, however, owing to my lazing about this evening and general tiredness I am afraid it will have to wait until tomorrow night. Sorry about that. Right I am off to bed, good night all!

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